Thomasina Miers: Oaxaca, Mexico

Series 2 continues with a trip to Mexico on the advice of masterchef champion, and uber talented entrepreneur, Thomasina Miers.

Masterchef is a small vice of mine, I enjoy watching the angst of people checking on their souffles more than the average soul, so I was delighted to meet Thomasina. I also found out she is a fellow correctly heighted woman, and it is always nice not to feel lanky on our rather low studio chairs.

Shaun and I were aghast to find out that nachos, chilli con carne, and fajitas are not Mexican. Thomasina confessed a frustration with Americans coming to the UK trying her food in her restaurants expecting Tex Mex and telling the internet that British Mexican food is rubbish. Of course there is limitations when it comes to ingredients, but it is clear from the way she waxes lyrical about her time in Oaxaca, that this lady knows her moles from her tostadas… (I mean so would you, one is a sauce the other is a sort of taco open sandwich.

ANYWAY, as well as chowing down on some tasty food Shaun and I got chatting about the incredible history of the place, the people and of course, the hazards, which is definitely becoming my favourite bit of the show.

Listen live on BBC Radio 4 Saturdays 10am


Listen live on BBC Radio 4 Saturdays 10am 〰️