Aiden Blaise, the hero of City of Spies had not so much a baptism of fire, but of water! The booklauch coincided with an all-day downpour and local flooding. Ironic, since Aiden has a fear of fire…
Despite the wind and rain, flooded roads, half the books not being delivered (!) we managed to launch City of Spies into the world at Fourbears Books in Caversham.
Lovely crowd amazing cupcakes and I got a room full of children to boo George Washington.
City of Spies is my fourth book for 9-12 year olds and already has some lovely reviews and been made pick of the month by LoveReading4Kids.
"Thrilling spy story adventures inspired by real life events"
@ReeceAndrea Expert Reviewer
It is also BOOK OF THE WEEK by Books For Keeps who wrote a lovely review here.
Loads of signed copies available at Four Bears Books
And loads of people came out to support me which I was really touched by considering the storm outside. Good thing about books is, they dry out!
Needless to say the other copies of City Of Spies arrived on Friday so if you want a signed copy of ANY of my books (and live in Reading) you can pick yourself up a copy from Four Bears Books. They have LOADS. Your other option is to order though the website through each book’s page.
Thanks again to all who came and to Four Bears Books for hosting.
P.S. The 18th Century banana costume was mostly accidental.
Richard Herring's Book Club Podcast