Author on tour - Cardiff, Durham, Bude, Dublin...

One of the best bits about being an author is I get to go into schools and shout at short people. Or when I’m not at schools, I go and do festivals.

This year so far, I’ve performed at The Dublin International Literature Festival, The Chalke Valley History Festival, Education Festival and The Cardiff Children’s Literature Festival.

I’ve also taken part in amazing events for the National Literacy Trust in Hastings (visiting SEVEN schools in just three days during a heatwave!) as well as performing in the schools programme for the Bude Literature Festival.

I get a lot of amazing feedback from the children and teachers when I do these talks. So I’m really grateful to be invited and to shout about History and stories to both small short people and slightly bigger short people alike.


“Iszi provided an unforgettable and engaging experience for our students. She kept over 200 year 7 pupils rapt for nearly an hour, using historical tales and personal anecdotes to bring her approach to writing to life. Her workshops were both creative and entertaining; the student-centric approach led to a bespoke experience which was unique for each class (I don’t think they’ll ever look at bumblebees in quite the same way again...) Iszi clearly brought a wealth of experience as a performer and presenter with her; I would certainly love to have her back.”

Chris Earl, Literacy Coordinator, Framwellgate School Durham.

(Yeah, the bumblebees are an issue… but aside from those, I’m a great person to come and inspire your younglings).

If you want to book me for a talk in your school or festival you can get in touch via the contact page or book directly through Authors Aloud, click here.