Jon Ronson: Pacific Coast Highway

I first met Jon at skeptic conventions. His awesomeness preceded him in the skeptical circles, simply because he was one of the few journalists of his generation looking into the people behind wild conspiracy theories and fundamentalist beliefs.

I of course have read everything he’s written and listened to his brilliant radio shows and podcasts but I think this was the first time since an episode of the Z List Dead List that we’ve worked together.

One of the things you’ll get from reading Jon’s work is how the lens we view the world changes who we believe ourselves to be. If you’re familiar with Jon’s work and you’ll know the most influential of these lenses emerges on the coastline of california, near Big Sur on the Pacific Coast Highway. Neoliberalism, new age meditation, and a focus on the self all came from The Esalen institute which still going strong and one of the stops along Jon’s recommended road trip.

Also see San francisco, beautiful sea views, forrests, a palace, malibu beach and elephant seals. What could go wrong? Other than plummeting off a cliff?

Find out by listening to Your Place Or Mine on Radio 4 at 10am or anytime you please on BBC SOUNDS.