What is Tantra?

I chat to curator Imma Ramos about the history and philosophy of Tantra, and its influence on the world today. Imma is the curator of the special exhibition Tantra: enlightenment to revolution.

Tantra is something that I know virtually nothing about. If you’ve heard of weird sex practices and seen Indiana Jones too many times you have a really narrow, messed up view of what it means.

This picture of Kali for example isn’t a monster. It is showing how you can overcome your own ego and empower yourself through spiritual enlightenment by welcoming Gods like Kali into your body. I know! It is dead exciting.

The British Museum Membercast is a monthly podcast made available to ‘all studious and curious persons’. Comedian, podcaster and super-fan Iszi Lawrence (The Z List Dead List) presents snippets from exclusive Members’ lectures at the Museum, artfully woven together with interviews and her own musings.

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