Kemah Bob: Kefalonia Greece

What’s weird about recording Your Place Or Mine is that we don’t record in the same order as the episodes are broadcast. We recorded this episode first, and it was so long ago, Shaun was just back from his summer holiday… in Greece!

I really do think there is an episode to be had of me berating Shaun for agreeing to go to places when he knows full well he never will… Kefalonia however I think he was actually tempted by. This despite my efforts to put him off with tales of WWII massacres.

The main motivation Kemah had for picking this place was its ease. Cheap, not too far, relaxing, not too crowded or too taxing. No pressure to learn anything (an earthquake destroyed most of the old architecture) and plenty of easy to consume foods that are unlikely to challenge picky palettes. Plus booze. There is some epic geology though, and of course the fear of bats.

Annoyingly Greg Jenner has ruined my life yet again (he is a lovely man, which makes being jealous of him even worse) and is broadcasting a Shakespeare special this saturday. IN OUR TIME SLOT! The cheeky beggar. So, one for BBC SOUNDS fans to download instead.

Listen to Your Place Or Mine on Radio 4 at 10am on Saturdays or anytime you please on BBC SOUNDS.