Dom Joly: Fogo Newfoundland

Turns out I was at Dom Joly’s first ever live gig. I was at We Know Where You Live, Live back in 2001 with my friend Andy watching a comedy show hosted by Suzie Izzard. Dom did a sketch in the middle, pretending to get a call on his overly large telephone and yelling ‘Hello? No, I’m in Wembley. The Arena. Yeah. No it’s rubbish!’ . Not a bad first live show, Wembley.

Dom has since become a travel writer and publish many off-the-beaten-path, quirky books about unusual and less visited locations. Fogo Island features in his latest saga The Conspiracy Tourist as it is one of the four corners of the flat earth (for flat earthers who believe in a square not circular disk world. Needless to say it is famous for it’s fish kissing and its dildos… the question is will Shaun go?

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